2013 Women's Season

Mattie L. Clausell Food Pantry 

The Angelic Voices of Praise is a children’s choir that is responsible for the music once per month during our Sunday worship services.  It is a choir that provides children with Christian fellowship, growth and development through music.  The choir’s ministry frequently takes it into the community and even out of state.

The Child Care Center is a service ministry that provides pre-kindergarten childcare to adult worshippers. It seeks to impart a strong Christian foundation to children.

The Jr. Usher Ministry is a service ministry for children and youth who are between grade school and high school ages. The ministry meets, greets and ushers people into God’s House. The ministry seeks to instill Christian values and morals in the youth of our church. It also seeks to instill values such as punctuality, dependability and commitment.

The Male Chorus is comprised of messengers of God that minister to others through music.  The group typically ministers music once per month during our Sunday morning worship services and periodically ministers in other churches. 

The Mattie L. Clausell Food Pantry is an outreach arm of the Missionary Ministry that supplies food assistance to persons in need. The ministry purchases food with grant money from many different sources including the Foodbank of Westchester and the federal government as well as private donations. The ministry distributes food and clothing to the larger community every third Saturday of each month.

The Men of Shiloh is an active community composed of all Shiloh men. It is a support ministry that provides men the opportunity to fellowship together and to help each other grow in Christ. This group provides Christian care to men and fosters male accountability and leadership. The Men’s community meets once a month for Bible study, once a month for planning purposes and sponsors our annual Summer Cookout and Christmas Dinner.

The Missionary Ministry is a service ministry that serves the needs of the church as well as outreaches to the local community. The Missionary Ministry provides emergency food and living assistance to members of the congregation. The Ministry gives comfort and assistance to members during times of bereavement, visits the sick and shut-in at holidays and shares with them gifts. It is also provides assistance to the community by providing holiday food baskets for the needy. The Mattie Clausell Food Pantry is an outreach arm of this ministry.

The New Disciples Ministry is dedicated to making disciples. The group is responsible for welcoming and encouraging those new to the family of Shiloh. The ministry helps new disciples grow in Christian faith. It prepares new disciples for Baptism and church membership through orientation and training in basic Bible and church doctrine. It also provides follow-up with new disciples through frequent contact by encouragers.

The Nurses Unit Ministry is a service ministry that responds to any emergency on Church premises during Sunday and Wednesday services as well as special events. Assistance includes giving emergency first aid and calling ambulances when necessary. To serve in this ministry, one must be certified by the American Red Cross.

The Outreach Mission Ministry has the purpose of sharing the good news and love of Jesus with those outside of Shiloh. Its mission is to minister to needs of people in our local community and throughout the whole world. The ministry evangelizes on the streets, provides a community health fair, supports single-parent families, and supplies aid to foreign nations.

The Scholarship Ministry provides financial assistance to any person seeking education and training beyond high school. The ministry coordinates the awarding of scholarships and conducts annual fundraising drives.

The Sounds of Shiloh is a youth and young adult choir that sings unto our Lord.  The group ministers once per month during our Sunday morning worship services and periodically ministers in other churches.

The Sr. Usher Ministry welcomes, assists, and seats all members and guests Shiloh Church. It is  a service ministry that has the responsibility of ensuring that decency and order are maintained during all Shiloh worship services.. The Sr. Ushers manifest the fruit of Spirit as they interact with each other and attend to the various needs of the congregation.

The Sunday School is a teaching ministry of the church that offers classes for all ages. This ministry provides disciples a necessary foundation in the Word of God. It provides opportunity to fulfill the Bible teaching in 2 Tim. 2:15: “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” The Sunday School fosters the pursuit of Bible knowledge, encourages cultural awareness and develops leadership skills in the membership.

The Voices of Shiloh is a mass choir that spreads the word of God and the salvation of Christ through music. The group typically ministers music once per month during our Sunday morning worship services and periodically ministers in other churches. 

The Women’s Day Choir shares the good news of Christ through music.  This choir is responsible for music ministry on the fifth Sundays.

The Women of Shiloh is an active community composed all Shiloh women whose mission is to enhance the spiritual growth of women. The group encourages women to read and study the word of God daily. The ministry fosters positive sisterly interaction and relationship among women and encourages and empowers women to take care of themselves as well as others. The Women’s community meets once a month for Bible study and sponsors a bi-annual church travel experience and an annual prayer breakfast.

The Shiloh Visionaires consists of young adult disciples of Shiloh that are devoted to fellowship, study, and worship. The group meets monthly for social outings, networking, prayer, and Christian discussion of contemporary issues.

Our Services

Sunday School - 9:30 a.m.
Worship – 10:30 a.m.

Bible Study - 7:00 p.m.

Our Location

185 Lincoln Avenue
New Rochelle, New York 10801

914.636.7440 Contact