Our Vision
What is a vision?
A vision is the God-given ability to create a mental picture in order to process the present and proceed to our preferred future. A vision is the supernatural presentation of a certain scenery or circumstance to the minds of the people of God. It is the awareness of our God-given hopes and dreams—of what God is calling us to be.
What does the Bible say about vision?
The Bible says in Proverbs 29:18, "Where there is no vision the people perish" and in Habakkuk 2:2 "Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it."
What is the God-given vision of our church—Shiloh?
Our vision is to be a caring and sharing family of God where every member of the family is a disciple and every disciple a minister.
Our Mission
Jesus teaches us Matthew 28:18-20 that every good vision is complemented by a mission. A vision tells what God is calling us to be and a mission tells us what we do to get there.
What is the God-given mission of our church—Shiloh?
Our mission is to be a congregation of Christian believers committed to Worshipping, Welcoming, Winning, Walking and Working for the Lord.
What is our current church motto and theme?
Our current church motto and theme is a people of God experiencing change that we may change our world.
In order to fulfill our vision and mission, every member of our church family has to partner with God and our Pastor. What is your role in this divine partnership? My role is to pray daily for our Church Family and Pastor. It is to join our Pastor and Church Family in asking God to help us bring into existence the vision and mission. My role is to follow our Pastor as He follows Christ, and shares his vision with us for fulfilling the vision and mission of Shiloh. My role is to attend church, learn more about God's word and to follow what God says about sharing with Him my finances, my time, my spiritual gifts and natural talents. Amen.